Since 2015 we have equipped and empowered 623 students from 184 churches in Singapore

Now we have the privilege of extending this to the nations.

Here’s what some of our
students have to say:


TINGJIA, Keyboard, 2021

“Wow these people show so much honor to each other” - this was the first thought I had when I attended AG’s mid-year showcase last year. This motivated me to join as a student in 2021.

I witnessed this culture of honour in action during my Keyboard lessons. After our mid-year presentations, Shernise, our mentor, asked us to applaud, encourage and prophesy over each classmate! It made me realise the importance of celebrating everyone. Although there’s always things to improve on, it is equally necessary to just celebrate and encourage. I felt very challenged to speak life and hope to everyone.

This culture of encouraging and honouring people is so tangible here at Awaken Generation. I have found a safe space to grow not just in my heart but also in my skills. I feel empowered to take risks, and am constantly reminded that mistakes are also a way to grow and learn. Through being immersed in this culture, I learnt it is not about striving for perfection but serving from a place of who God has made me to be.


SANDRA YU, Vocals, 2019

I struggled a lot with fear for the past few years. It’s no surprise to my friends that I’m afraid of a lot of things – the dark, heights, birds etc. However, this fear was different. I was paralysed by a lie that the devil had sown in me – a false belief that I would lose my loved ones through unnatural death. 

Many times, when I wanted to go all out for God, this fear would always hold me back as I was fearful of potential spiritual attacks. I always wondered if the devil would do something bad to me and my family if I were to partner in what God is doing. Though the lies may sound silly when said out loud, I remember it feeling so real and suffocating. 

It was during my 1-1 mentoring session with Alarice that I experienced a breakthrough. She shared with me that God sees me in my destiny and not in my present failures, and He has created me to be courageous even though I may not always feel like it. When she said that, I felt His heart for me, that He wants me to be set free from this fear I had and rise up as the warrior He has called me to be. 

Subsequently, I have come to know of His goodness and greatness in a more intimate way through Convergences. I came to realise that God is for me and not against me, and my perspectives towards Him started to change. Seeing many Awaken Generation mentors around me really impacted and inspired my faith personally as I witnessed their lives overflow with the Spirit of God.

Looking back, I haven’t experienced that suffocation for a while now, and my relationship with God has deepened; my eyes aligned to the right view of who He is. He has made me bold and courageous through my time here."


王璐远, 中文敬拜带领, 2021


“敬拜者首先要有敬拜的生命才能带领出有生命的敬拜” - 这是我在敬拜带领课程中最大的领受。如果你也想要在敬拜带领上更加进步,就快来加入甦醒世代这大家庭吧!


陈涌川, 中文词曲创作, 2022
